Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Top 10 Under-Known Video Game

This is a list of My top 10 best Under-Known video games, This list is just My opinion on some very interesting below the radar video game's, Also these games are not in any real order so don't get pissed if such and such is higher up than such and such, Please enjoy! 

                              The Movie's (PC)

This little gem came out back in 2005 for the PC, A console release was planned but never took off which is a shame since this game was the fucking shit. The game allowed you too run a Hollywood movie studio and create your own movie's, It was kind of a mix between The Sim's and RollerCoaster Tycoon you could create make pretty much any kind of movie you wanted with a pretty decent amount detail using the pre-made scene's that you could edit in a variety of way's too your liking. The game didn't really see much action and died off pretty quickly the only thing we got was the Stunt's Effect's Pack released in 2006 and added a shit-ton of extra content and made the game much better but after that it just kind of dropped off the map.

                                   Postal 2

Ah Postal 2, Probably one of the most offensive a violent video games ever made, It was released back in 2003 and quite frankly for it's time I personally feel it was technically pretty advanced, With fire physic's that put Far Cry 2 too shame a decent sized open world too explore, An entertaining story line (Guest starring Gary Coleman) And an array of strange weaponry at your disposal there was much chaos too be had. Sadly this game was greeted with much hate and just shitty review's in general Postal 2 didn't stand a chance. I personally felt this game was as perfect as an ultra-violent. Ultra-Offensive FPS could come but sadly very other shared My feeling's. You can still purchase Postal 2 from the game creator's website here: (This is the fudge pack which include's the equally awesome Postal 1 and other content...Ignore the name)

                          Glitch (Browser MMO Game)
Glitch is a browser MMO game that came around 2010?, In Glitch you can do a shit ton of thing's Create a cute little character too run around as? Yep, Create a home for him too live in? Mhmm, Create cocaine for him too become dangerously addicted and die from withdrawl? Damn Right. Everything in Glitch is done in a fun loving childish manner but still manages too be pretty adult, It's like a game for Kid's...For adult's. There is no limit of fun too be had in Glitch and it is just full quest's and random task's such as learning skill's then using said skill's too do other thing's. The art style is amazing and all in all it's just a very enjoyable game that you should be playing right now...But your not...Your reading this shitty blog...Go play Glitch!

                                             Harvester (PC)  

Harvester came out for the PC back in 1996 it was an adventure game and it was full murder, violence and gore, Fun! pretty much everything in the game could be killed including children...Which is a big video game No No. The game retained some what of a cult following thanks too it's entertaining story and character's. You played as Steve Mason who wake's up with amnesia in a very strange town which seems too take place during the 50's, Nothing is quite as it seem's and the whole town is in general pretty fucked in the head. Currently the only way too play the game on modern PC's is using DOS BOX...If you can find a copy of the game that is

                                           Fight Club (PS2)   

Fight Club the game was fighter that came out back in 2004 and quite frankly it was terrible...Like really just shitty, Unlike the movie...Have you seen the movie Fight Club? It's amazing really quite frankly it's the only reason this game is on the list.

                          Playboy The Mansion (PS2/XBOX/PC)  

Playboy the mansion came out in 2005 and let you run around as the man himself Hugh Hefner and run the Playboy empire, It was a business sim with element taken from The Sim's such as socializing and taking care Hef's and other people in the Playboy mansion, You had too take centerfold picture's of various playmate's you would hire and had get people too write article's for the magazine, The magazine you made would scored and depending on the score you make such and such amount of money, Through the game you would also get point's which would allow you too unlock bonus content such as cover's from actual Playboy Magazine's and other content.

                         Time Splitter's 3 (PS2/XBOX/Gamecube  

TimeSplitter's 3 came out back in 2005 and was probably the best FPS game on the Gamecube, The story line was funny and the split screen multiplayer was incredible, Since I'm mainly here too talk about the Mutliplayer here's a quick description of the Single Player I snagged from wikipediea "The game begins in 2401 when the space marine, Sergeant Cortez, is leaving the space station that he destroyed at the end of TimeSplitters 2. His ship crash landson the future Earth and two fellow marines greet him. Sergeant Cortez follows his squad of marines through the valley and battles unknown masked figures and TimeSplitters. Cortez is then tasked with following the signatures in the past by time travel thought to be caused by the TimeSplitters. He then goes on a mission to go back in time to find a way to stop the TimeSplitters race from being created."  

The single player was great but I spent countless hour's in splitscreen death match and capture the bag, Multiplay featured countless number's of character's too use and a wide array of gun of different theme's depending on the time era they were from in the single play, The game was just good old fashion FPS and if you ever get the chance too get your hands on pick up and have some friend's play with you...Just don't let them use the god damn flare gun.

                                           Highgrow (PC)
Highgrow is a freeware Weed Growing simulator, In the game you will choose the type or weed you wish too grow and in real time will take care of the plant and choose various setting's too help it grow and become a massive ass weed plant, The game is actually pretty complex and is very entertaining just too watch your plant grow and become bigger and stronger. Highgrow can be downloaded for free here WARNING SLIGHTLY NSFW:         

                            No More Hero's 1 and 2 (Wii/PS3)

No More Hero's came out back in 2007, It was made by Goichi Suda (Suda51) who also made a crazy ass also under-known Gamecube game called Killer7. In No More Hero's you take control of Travis Touchdown a typical Otaku (Anime/Video Game nerd) Who win's a beam Katana in an online auction, Completely broke he meet with Sylvia Christel in a bar and is offered a job too go kill an assassin. Throughout the game it follow's Travis as he rises through the rank's of the United Assassin's Association. The game had a very arcade style of gameplay, The game play was very simple and a bit dull as you wen't through various locale's and slaughtered the hitmen/Assassin's in them, The second one No More Hero's 2 Desperate Struggle was much better than first I feel and a very entertaining plot line, Both Game's featured an Open world with small side jobs too go complete which you would earn money from that would allow to go buy either clothing or weapon upgrades (I actually can't quite remember if the first had the clothing or weapon upgrade but the second sure as hell did)

                                 Gun (Xbox/Xbox 360/PS2/PC) 
 Gun was a western style shooter game that came out back in 2005, It was pretty much the Red Dead Redemption of it's time it featured a free-roaming world and a very good story line, Outside of the story there were side mission's too complete such as delivering package's or hunting certain animal's, The game was very gory and allowed you too blow of limb's and scalp enemy's as laid on the ground. This is probably one of the best free-roam game's I have ever played and is very entertaining just go into a town and cause chaos and if you ever have the chance I highly suggest you pick up this gem.